The lightness of being or the existence- weighs…So move…. How do we accelerate out of discomfort…into happiness…?In simple German : how do I stay happy and avoid hanging around in unhappiness to longDo not confuse unhappiness with experiencing the...
It must have been 1999, 2001 and  2002 I was with Deepak Chopra… we first met in Scheveningen… after that weeks in Carlsbad California. I did all kind of seminars. Primordial sound meditation, Synchrone Destiny, Remote Viewing (with David Morehouse… psychic...
start Do never doubt yourself….doubt kills So lovely to take decisions based on the feeling that it is yours….You are in a resourceful state… remembering very pleasant and successful moments in your life… See and experience that as the starting point for...
Simpel:Er is de externe ervaring ofwel alles wqt er om je heen waar te nemen isJij bent de transformator jij selecteert, kiest en vertaaltEn hebt je interne beleving die echter lijkt dan die van anderenDus doe je er slim aan te weten hoe je doet wat je doetWant je...
Nu, ‘k weet ‘t weer           de mens is gewichtig           althans dat is ‘ie           gewichtig, da’s over           zwaarwegende en lichtwegende           zaken gelijkelijk...
The obsession with the ‘now’ from some of the masturbating yoga womenThe new generation ‘fabulous’ directors who we know has to come need some reminiscenceAs we all do, we need some reverieMy daughter talked about Jim...