Life is a gift, cherish it with a smile – Marktplatz 1, 34560 Fritzlar, Germany – Phone: 0049 15731571439

move with your senses

As you, my dear reader, are my audience. We both realize that we focus on the message out of what I am writing or better what we read what so ever. As we conditioned ourselves on so called outcomes…that have a spirit …for a day…, we take away the poetry and lock...

Just a few lines along your road

Just a few lines about a roadWe have been teaching for centuries about how to socialize. How to adapt to a society that has the essence of a Zoo. With Zoo keepers. Asif Aldous Huxley was a messenger of the Universe pointing out what the small range of so called...


het leven is eenvoudig simpel schoon in poëzie liefdevol als de bezieling daar isvraagt ietwat focus af en toebenul hoe met een en ander om te gaanals uitkomst geluk beleefbaar ervarendeelbaar maken   

sensory acuity

Reaching out for the stars.The corner of Johan Wagenenaarlaan and Diepenbrocklaan (Music in the air…)in Leiden. An August evening say 10 o’clock. Years and Years ago… still yesterday…. Marian and me. Classmates and warm friends. Both 13 years old. The grass...