Life is a gift, cherish it with a smile – Marktplatz 1, 34560 Fritzlar, Germany – Phone: 0049 15731571439


testimonials   Nu, ‘k weet ‘t weer de mens is gewichtig althans dat is ‘ie gewichtig, da’s over zwaarwegende en lichtwegende zaken gelijkelijk moeilijk doen altijd, althans meestal altijd gewicht in de schaal leggen simpelweg: Syntax Volgorde van de woorden die...

just some words

just some words   Een schitterend ongeluk We are a byproduct of nature Nature is cruel and meaningless Why did I not build up a family Fixated on being the ‘measurer of all things’ instead of living and being astonished by the wonderful paradox life is Overtaken...

sometimes you forget to remember

sometimes you forget to remember   The obsession with the ‘now’ from some of the masturbating yoga women The new generation ‘fabulous’ directors who we know has to come need some reminiscence As we all do, we need some reverie My daughter talked about Jim Croce I...

You are alone just like the others

You are alone just like the others   There are things that keep popping up. Fun things mostly. In 1999 I saw the B-52’s live in L.A.. It was for me always a in between band. But funny for sure… Own private Idaho. This is a phrase taken directly from the 1980...