a letter for you A book may never be used as a pulpit for your own parish. You may touch and move everyone, even without knowing. Words dance in heads in moments of your time. Not the writer determines the outcome and how things are perceived… the moment of the...
Een vriend heb je nodig Een vriend van me… Tenminste dat was m’n openingszin. Ik hield stil. En bemerkte vrij rap dat het concept vriend wel ietwat aan erosie onderhevig is. Je moet wel bruikbaar zijn anders ben je een soort van nobody waar we nu even geen tijd...
the new moon So take a moment to reassess your path, thinking, doing. The brain-death following the new turbulence, schools, science without question it in such a way a could be one matrix. One reality amongst many, matrix like. Mathematics is one way of...
Fuck All the Perfect People A wicked world or wicked people… We, as a human race have been bothered with the fact that we are full of Sinn. Adam and Eva take the blame for that… That if we take the Western Christian History as starting point. My issue is: One...
mean while something else is happening A few years ago Ronald Reagan was President of the USA. The Congress confronted him with facts concerning his way of working. These facts spoke clearly against what Reagan issued. His historical line in front of the...