Life is a gift, cherish it with a smile – Marktplatz 1, 34560 Fritzlar, Germany – Phone: 0049 15731571439

ignorance is deadly



I know i should behave myself

Be a nice guy

Not always the wise guy

Show understanding

Even appreciation might fall in to my vocabulary

Even when it is so obvious that somebody is acting like an idiot

Or as they usually say: I am just following rules,

The law more or less

But I just cannot get it done

At certain moments

I explode at the stupidity of ignorance

A few examples

I live 5 years now in this small village

Abandoned and forgotten from the rest of the world

In the middle of what some belief is their universe

One with boundaries and little development

All hell broke loose and the last bits of an aesthetic life was ruined by

‘The ‘Virus’ not for all but for many

What the hell am I doing there

You might ask

As not all who read this and kept track of my movements the last years

To be honest thought it wise to live near my daughter

And I do live near her

But further away as in the wildest nightmare

As I turned to this village

I was warned by the inhabitants them selves

‘here people talk about you not with you’

‘They will not accept you’

And more of those cosy lines

I perceived the marked place more and more

As the yard from the ballad of reading gaol

The south side , ok without the beach, as from cannery row

And the town atmosphere that of Milkwood

Oh and be certain, I have met the loveliest

Nicest people, so no offence really

Not to all, but some…

It is 3,30 on a Sunday afternoon

We are cleaning the restaurant.

The door opens, a men in back opens

Particularly at this Sunday the restaurants must be closed

‘for your own safety and that of others’, he utters

The men looks like Beckmann von Borgert

Gasmaske brille noch auf

But the Elbe would leave him and swallow him

‘the door is open’

In front of his eyes on a shield the words

‘sorry we are closed’

He could not read English

So what is the problem here?

‘That is not allowed, you are gong to pay for that’

No men on the street, not one single soul

‘You have a restaurant and are not be open’

I solid as a rock walk towards the creature

Show him the closed sign

The broom and the water….

And dry I say ‘We are cleaning’

‘There were 3 people in the shop’, he mumbled like scrooge

That was one half our ago.

‘those are friends`, I stated, meanwhile leading him to the door

I have to admit I am not a real small town boy

I love anonymity is so many ways

Travelling around, mostly for world gave me that space

It is not judgemental, although it might look that way

Far more than that it is disbelieve

What rights do others have over people who do not harm nobody

It is an interesting topic

The empathy is completely gone

Sometimes I feel like surrounded the boys in The Deliverance

Each and every human being who is able to talk

Should not have is voice heard

And here is not so different from many other places worldwide

If you look at it sharp

And you have to look sharp

Every single beauty and elegance

Every trace of dignity

Gone with the wind when ignorance is dominant

Sitting inside ruled by politics

In Holland it is even worse than here

It seems that all the heavy polluted cities and

Parts of countries are getting the bill presented

But Sweden knows how to deal with it

Many specialist Virologists seem too have a pretty nice

View and opinion about the insane behaviour of some politicians

I know I should behave

Shut the up and do what is told

As not very font on nationalism

How to deal with the Dutch

The Dutch Prime Minister Rutte

Behaves like the head of an elementary school

In the early 60 ties

Uttering that he is proud of his people that they

Do as he has told them to do

I believe that Leni Riefenstahl could have made

A nice documentary out of the clowning around

Of politicians

Flaubert said it nicely

The whole dream of democracy is to raise the proletarian to the level of stupidity attained by the bourgeois

We live now obviously in a one dimensional world

It is not about taking things serious or not

As told in a former article I wrote.

Not the dying of children from hunger, 9 million a year

Is on the agenda but ‘the virus’

We live and will at a certain moment die

Keep at all times your dignity and elegance

Focus on what makes and keeps you strong

Train your mind and treat your body well

And stop reading taking ‘news’ serious

Yesterdays news is tomorrows fish and chips paper