Life is a gift, cherish it with a smile – Marktplatz 1, 34560 Fritzlar, Germany – Phone: 0049 15731571439

Shares beauty


I associate like mad. A lot of things I hear and see make other things I heard, have seen and experienced pop up.

Not very decent to start with an other video when you want to show appreciation to a person and his work.

So I … I did. Just for the setting.

Take time and listen, look, read, think… 

But do ask you to take 25 minutes, perhaps more of your life to be inspired by Tim Minchen*.


It is always worthwhile to meet great new people. Most often they them selves and many others know that they are there already for a longer time… A little journey on the web brought me him.

I have given a lot of speeches myself and respect any other that take time to share. I might not like all of his opinions and approaches, but who cares.. I value this man a lot..


A lovely doctorate speech made me curious and I started searching for more about this man from (for me) down-under Australia.

The first video is a bit long. But still look at it and listen.

To support you. A brief outline of his 9 lessons in life.

  1. You do not need to have a dream
    1. Short term goals
    2. Be aware
    3. No long term dream
  2. Do not seek happiness
    1. Is like organism (where is the blood)
    2. Make others happy
  1. It is all luck
    1. To be here
    2. Lucky that
    3. Work hard, you did not made your power source
    4. Empathy is intuitive but something you can work up on
  2. Exercise
    1. Sport, yoga
    2. Take care of your body
    3. Depression defeated by exercise
  1. Be hard on your opinions (are like assholes.. everybody has one)
    1. Constantly examined
    2. Art can be connected to science
    3. Science is a term
  2. Be a teacher
    1. Amazing
    2. Share your ideas
  1. Define yourself by what you love
    1. Pro stuff not anti stuff.
    2. Express your appreciation
    3. Praise to who you admire
  1. Respect people with less power then you
    1. Judge people about how they treat the less powerful
  1. Do not rush
    1. You need to do what to do with rest of your life
    2. Take time, do not panic

Do not seek meaning…. i am a romantic…. You soon be death

One thing to do with empty existence: 

Fill it

Learn, Be proud, Share, be compassionate, Love, Sex, Art, climb mountains Ect.

Other nice things

 More about Tim
