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Cor inspires you to be fulfilled. To be everything you can be and get the impact you deserve.
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Cor van Leeuwen integrates in his work and life:
- the empowerment of the US;
- the intuition of the East;
- the knowledge of the West;
- the history of the Middle East;
- the magic of the South
- the strength of the universe
Cor published his first book when he was only 21 years old. Furthermore he published lots of other works under his name. He is a authentic, enthusiastic, self-willed and upright personality. Cor left his marks almost in every market sector and in the education system as an innovator, trainer/coach and consultant. In addition to his educational background in theology and social history he gained lots of international experience in business and personal development. He travelled around the world and followed lots of seminars of: Richard Bandler, John La Valle, Tad James, Byron Katie, Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Dilts, Stephen Gillian, Roger Callahan, Anthony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Paul McKenna and Paul Zane Pilzer. He erected successful companies, whose main issues are quality and interpretation. Cor was hired by more than hundred companies to lead them to success. He developed the SOIL-method © and provides in addition to certified NLP-SOIL trainings (master and practitioner) also his own “art and science of …” masterclasses. For people and companies: using your potential, creating concepts, positioning and an optimal presentation to get the best results. This concerns you as an individual and also companies. Cor is the perfect inspiration and tom-tom to take you from A to B. Someone who knows elegance and dignity. He is authentic and enthusiastic; self-willed and upright.
Cor is an international top trainer, chairman, speaker and coach. His well-developed intuition and the ideal usage of his skills make him unique. In the last few years Cor inspired at University-smart en streetwise more than 55.000 people and gave them energy to develop, to use and to enjoy their own potential. target audience: 400 (inter)national companies, managers, docents, doctors, psychologists, coaches, trainers, programmer, theatre makers, athletes, CEOs, students and lots of others.
What Cor does
Stimulating people and companies to inspirit more quality and success. He bridges the gap between interpretation, enthusiasm and an actual sensible life. He is a creative concept developer who ensures that the products get the attention they deserve.
Animating spirit
From literature to music, from art to science, from going to a bar to theatre, in the middle of life or religion on the outside, the search for beauty, contact and design of life and togetherness play an important part for Cor. Due to his great experience he could combine a lot; from grumpy philosophers to playful poets, from psychological theories to birdsong, to form a method and a strategy which ensure that you will do more with your life, get stronger and become a successful designer of your own life. Cor himself: ‘My personal mission is: being important for people, products and companies. Being the tom-tom that touches people to set them in motion while focussing on great successes and results. Only personal and commercial results which you can “touch” will be fulfilling.’
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What Clients Say About Cor
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“ Extraordinary! Cor, I think you did a great job! I like your style. I see in you a strange mix of high level Philosophy and extraordinary pragmatism. I always thought the two things were incompatible, but it does not seem to be your case. â€
Roberto Benetello Country Manager Italia
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“ Cor van leeuwen verzorgt voor het PostAcademisch Onderwijs de succesvolle Train the Trainer sessie voor onze docenten en cursusleiders. Steekworden: verfrissend, anders, geeft inzicht in jezelf en wat je probeert te communiceren. Cor is sterk in het meedenken en richting geven aan nieuwe business-opportunities en kan zowel groepen als individuen verder helpen als coach of adviseur. â€
Rob Gremmee Managing Director, Stichting PostAcademisch Onderwijs (business partner)
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“ Cor uses his remarkable intelligence, strong personality, and vast kwowlegde of various fields of interrest to roller coast inside your brains and so discover yourself. Just dare and you’ll see! Besides this, Cor is a very nice guy. â€
Dr. Wim van Keulen
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“ Cor is a trainer I learned on the course “Train the trainersâ€, where several methods and insights were taught to a group. His personal approach gave me a better insight in my strong and weak points, as a teacher but also as a person. In his humoristic and personal way of teaching he managed to keep my attention longer than I thought to be possible. Real world class! â€
Theo Campmans Sr. Consultant in Noise Control at LBP Sight
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Some of the hundreds of companies that hired Cor
Cor was hired by more hundred companies to lead them to success. He developed the SOIL-method © and offers certified NLP training programmes combined with SOIL (Master and Practitioner) besides his own masterclasses.
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Videos of Cor
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Dutch Radio interview with Cor
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